Personal Touch Marketing & Manufacturing

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Here you will find a wide variety of products ranging from pens to awards and housewares. There really is no way to sum up all that we offer. So take a look around, and let us know if there is anything you're interested in!

We are dedicated to quality and we are dedicated to you. We are Personal Touch.


Featured Blogs

  • Top 7 Promo Products for Civic Clubs

    Top 7 Promo Products for Civic Clubs

    When it comes to cities and the businesses they house – nothing is more important than trade associations and civic clubs like your local chamber of commerce! So we've come up with 8 promotio...

  • Case Study: Jamming Out

    Case Study: Jamming Out

    A shopping mall was holding a summer promotion to increase traffic during typically slower months. Visitors to the complex were given a “passport” to take to different stores within the...


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